Monday, August 16, 2010

Help for infidelity mixed feelings?

My fiance has been having an on-line / texting / phone affair for the past year and I believe it got physical once 4 months ago. I'm struggling between feelings of anger, disappointment, grief, confusion and relief (that it's over as far as I know). I'm super happy that he ';chose me';, so to speak, over her which is where the confusion plays in . I love him dearly and know he loves me but don't know how to deal with all this and ever forgive or forget. Do any of you know of any good links that could help me sort through all these mixed emotions I've been feeling?? Maybe something with some self-help excercises that I could do to help me get over this ultimate betrayal? We are going to start counselling in a week at his request but in the meantime, on my own time, I feel the need to help myself; to figure out how this could have happened when I've given nothing but the best of myself to him for 7 years.Help for infidelity mixed feelings?
I'm sorry that your fiancee cheated on you after being together 6 years - that bites! Please don't get caught up in being happy that he ';chose'; you because you are giving him too much credit. He chose you 7 years ago and then decided to stray. You can try the counseling but in my experience, most people who cheat are very likely to cheat again. So, you have two choices:

1) Go to counseling and see if together you can find out the underlying reason he cheated. If he seems sincere and remorseful and doesn't make excuses, there is a chance he may be faithful. If you decide to stay with him the only way it will work is if you give all of yourself to the relationship and trust that he will do the same. I've been there and is isn't easy but it worked for me. That said, you should still keep your senses alert for anything suspicious. I'm not saying you should snoop or spy but if your woman's intution tells you something isn't right, don't ignore it! or

2) If he is not ';accountable'; during counseling and just makes excuses for his behavior, he isn't ready (in my opinion) to truly commit himself to you or anyone else. To avoid a lifetime of wondering, cut your losses and walk away and find someone worthy of you. I think after weighing your options, you'll know in your heart which way to go.Help for infidelity mixed feelings?
He cheated of you once, he'll do it again. Get rid of this louse and find a man who will treat you with love, honor, dignity and respect. Don't be so happy he chose you over some pig. He's a pig himself. You'll always have this hanging over your head as long as you're with him and you'll never be able to trust him.
Time to move on. You know lots of time we spend a lot of time trying to build a relationship just to have it go awry. You can't fix it you just move away from it and look for someone to devote yourself to. I hope the next guy you meet is the real man your looking for.
Women think with their heads and hearts.

Guys think with their anatomy, after the act is over they have forgotten your name and we are waiting for the phone to ring.

Guys do not consider a screw being unfaithful.
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