My husband of a very happy 13 years got drunk and cheated on me one night while I was at work. He confessed to me immediately, and threw up for 3 days over it. He stopped in the middle of it and told the bar slut he loved his wife and was going home. I truly believe he is remorseful, he no longer drinks unless he is with me, and he stays at home now while I am at work.
I am having a hard time dealing with the fact that he let himself get into such a situation, and that another woman turned him on. I know he loves me and we are trying really hard to get back what was lost. My heart was shattered and I'm really struggling with the this. Any suggestions?How do you deal with infidelity?
I tried to forgive my adulterous wife a couple of different times, and she just keeps cheating on me and using me as simply a ';source of steady income'; and nothing more ... so the wheels are falling off our trainwreck of a marriage after 10 years ... we'll most likely be divorced by spring.
I hate her guts. The only thing that has kept me around all these years is my daughter (the true love of my life) ... the divorce will affect HER the most (but I can't suffer through another 10 years of lies ... )How do you deal with infidelity?
I understand where u are coming from but the only thing is my wife and I have cheated on each other and we both said that we was going to do it again and I have not my wife I am believing her that she will not either. I know it is hard but u need to try to forgive him for what he has.
I welcome it %26amp; hope some woman steals my husband so I don't have to support his butt anymore.
Get yourself and your cheater into some counselling. You may be able to save your marriage through hard work. But don't count on it. Once someone cheats once, they usually do it again.
And just to set you straight on something else: The other woman in this charming story is a bar slut, but your cheater is a loving husband? Into double standards much? They are both equally to blame for what happened, in fact if anyone is guiltier than the other, it's your husband. After all, he broke his vows to you. The ';bar slut'; never promised you that she'd love and cherish you, did she?
It is going to take alot of time to get over this, you can forgive him but you wont forget, and maybe the two of you can try some sort of marriage counseling
Just forget about it. He stopped in the middle of it and told the bar slut he loved his wife and was going home. that is not enought for u?
what do u think that just because he got marry nobody can turn in on? open ur eyes.
u are very lucky that he told u and He stopped in the middle of it and told the bar slut he loved his wife and was going home. just be happy and forgive him and foget about it.
';He confessed to me immediately, and threw up for 3 days over it. He stopped in the middle of it and told the bar slut he loved his wife and was going home';
13 years together..
Honestly, if you love him dont leave. He loves you. You can both get through this if YOU try
My husband cheated on me while he was deployed to Iraq. We got through it because our love was strong and we both believe in forgiveness and second chances. Your husband admitted it to you and ended it with the other woman. It seems that he is doing his best to make it up to you. Just talk it out. Also consider a counselor or a spiritual advisor. Get out all the frustration and pain and move forward, but always remember you deserve to be loved and respected. I wish you and your husband the best of luck!
I personally could not and will not ever deal with infidelity in any other way than leaving. My heart doesn't recover. My advice is, if you are going to be with him and forgive him, then make sure you actually forgive him. It isn't fair to stay with him and be hurtful to him all the time because of the horrible mistake he made. I know it is hard, but you have to do it. Don't bring it up and try to rebuild trust and your relationship. There has to be some problem or he wouldn't have been so easily tempted. I'm not saying that he doesn't love you, but maybe he is feeling detached or mistreated somehow? I don't know. Just try to start over fresh. Like when you first started dating. Make time for each other. I'm sorry this happened to you..nobody deserves that, but take comfort that he stopped when he realized how stupid he was being. Good Luck
When a husband cheats, the wife is more than happy to blame them.
But have wives ever thought why the husband did as such?
For starters, look back and think how yoiu have been treating him before he cheated. Every women take their husbands for granted!
my first husband cheated on me when i was 6 monts preg and i didnt find out till the day we got married at our reception.. the girl he cheated on was there and told me about it.. i really wasnt mad.. and i figured out why it didnt bother me, i wasnt in love with him so it didnt hurt like it should have. after she told me i asked her if she wanted him... she quickly refused.. lol we married because his parents thought it was best that our sons mom and dad be married, they said it looked better and made them feel better.. i went along with it. and 3 years later we got into a fight, he left and never came back.. 8 years later i finally got my divorce.. we still speak bc of the kids but in all honesty i cant stand him at all.. and i wish i didnt have to have phone converstations with him i just cant deal with is lies and lazyness and so glad thats not in my life now. his excuse for not paying child support is he cant find work.. hes been telling me that for 2 years.. i told him you have to leave your house to find a job.. its not going to come to you..he dosnt want to work but im determined to remind him of childsupport until he gets sick of hearing and starts working.
About your husband and what he did.. he made a mistake and he knew he made a big mistake.. but he realized what hes got versus what she was and he made the choice to do better and work things out.. you lost trust in him and trust takes a long time to regain in somone.. and it sounds like hes really trying to do better.. he could have lost everything that ment everything to him and he realized that hes worked to hard to loose it. He lost your trust, he could have lost a lot more.. keep him going the way he is going and before you know it.things will be back to almost normal.. its hard for you to think of him with someone else,makes you sick to think she touched him.. you can forgive him but you will never forget what he did.. dont give up now.. give it another chance.. keep working to make your marriage work again.. Good Luck
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