Friday, August 20, 2010

Married going thru a divorce folks, what am I missing here can anyone see his view points that I'm missing

My husband is having his sisters talk to me, saying I am crazy and don't appreciate him. My BIGGEST issue in our marriage is infidelity. He feels that he pays the rent/utilities, come home every night, and add me %26amp; my son from a prior relationship to his insurance is MORE than enough, %26amp;I am stupid b/c I focus on the chics he deal with in the streets. I need to grow up %26amp; focus on what matters (stated above). I really don't see his point of view. TRUST means EVERYTHING to me, %26amp; how can we gain that when he feels that sleeping around is ok, what he does in the streets is his business. Another issue is I work %26amp;help pay bills, PLUS do everything with the house and kids. He does nothing but come in %26amp; watch TV. My family has invited ours to come to gatherings during the holiday's, he NEVER attend them with me, but have several hotel receipts from spending time w/his flings. He said I am selfish b/c I need to focus on what he does in the house %26amp; not outside of it. I am tired and fed upMarried going thru a divorce folks, what am I missing here can anyone see his view points that I'm missing
Sweetie a mans good deeds in the home means nothing if he is cheating on you and disrespecting you in the relationship. He is not keeping you safe and protected running around with other women to come back and give you a life threatening disease. He is giving you no other choice but to divorce him and move on with your life so that you can find something better. No one in a relationship deserves to be mistreated and emotionally abused and tollerate uncertainty in their lives. Your husband has some messed up priorites about what he thinks it takes to make a good relationship with you. He has some severe issues with himself and brings you down in your life and not up. He is not committed to the same things in life that you are and that says a lot of things about his true character. You deserve more than he is able to see and give to you and he stresses out your life and that isn't good. Stick to your guns and don't listen to his sister's because they don't have the same relationship with him that you have. They need to stay out of it and let him deal with his own problems and choices he made in his own life. I believe that divorcing him is the right thing for you and the children. he is not morally stable and you want more for all of you than he is able to be a decent part of. Stay strong and keep moving forward and don't let anyone influence what you need to do for you because he is not looking out for your best interest and.... you can only count on you.Married going thru a divorce folks, what am I missing here can anyone see his view points that I'm missing
Woe...wait a minute here. He says what he does on the streets is only his business??? What if he brings home some STD to you...then whose business is it? Why would you stay with a man that you know is cheating on you and is so condescending? There are such great guys out there that don't think like he does. You and your son deserve one of those great guys...go find one!
Uh he's nuts. All that you've said is right. Even more importantly you don't want your son's seeing that realtionship as healthy and right. Focus on making yourself the best mom/role model you can be for your children. Good luck and let your hubby find some one else to be his doormat.

gee what a man, have his sisters talk to you, I agree give him the boot. There is no point of view to see here. He is wrong. Find someone who will give you all there love not just part of it. Let him spread whatever it is he thinks he has to all those others and MOVE ON!!!
Tell his sisters to mind their own business, they are not the ones living with him in your situation. Tell him its over and to forget about you as you have him. He is not worth your time nor the heartache. You deserve so much better!
Lose him he is selfish and please tell me you are using condoms to protect yourself from the diseases his dirty whores are carrying. He will NOT change, find someone who will care for you the way you want to be cared for.
Number One thing is you don't have to discuss your reasons for divorcing with anyone.

Number Two.....I didn't know he could put your kid (from a prior marriage/relationship) on his insurance. I would think he would have to adopt him first.
OMG! Run-run as fast as you can! He's the crazy one -who doesn't appreciate you! He can talk all he wants but he can't making cheating right! He needs therapy %26amp; medication!
Keep your head held high - this man deserves to be divorced. You aren't missing anything - he's messed up and has messed up ideas. Get out.
Get your divorce and move on with your life.Stay away from his family.You are doing the right thing.Hope he didn't bring anything home to you from the streets.Good luck.
Kick him to the curb.
He wants a maid not a wife, ditch him.
The only thing I can see that you're missing is Marriage Counseling. It's sad that you have kids involved here. I don't know if you think it's too late or not but ... I would make an appointment with a marriage counselor. Let your husband know that you made one. Remind him about the appointment a few days beforehand but don't fight about it. On the day, remind him about the apointment again. I think that when he sees your serious about going, he just might go with you. Try to go together and see if you can work on the issues. If he refuses to attend, then you should go so that you can put together some closure for yourself. Good luck.
I agree with the other answers. It seems like you are the one that needs to leave. It doesnt seem like he will be leaving since he thinks that he doesnt have a problem. It might be hard for the kids. Dont fill their hearts with bad stuff about him or anyone, but do leave so your kids wont think that this is what life is suppose to be. Just tell your kids that it didnt work out. Dont show your kids HATE. Just move on. If you cant find no one, just stay single. Why go through all the stress. You cant depend on him. So dont fool yourself that he will change.
Have a good lawyer,and don't buckle one bit to sympathy.He's a mental case,who has hurt you badly.Get a restraining order on him AND his sister.Sorry this seems unsympathetic towards a jerk,I feel for YOU not him.Been there,got out,took years to recover,but no regrets,it IS better being alone,and to have new choices.

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