Wednesday, August 18, 2010


How do we fix the GIGANTIC PROBLEM of broken relationship/family in todays world?I was doing some research for something I'm writing, it deals with relationships. And the recent studies I found on infidelity/adultery are staggering! It really has gotten worse over these years. It isn't just media hype. Its almost apidemic! There is such a hole in relationships today, I just don't get. And it not just cheating and sex. It gose beyond that. Its the break down and unstaisfaction of people in general in life. What is it gonna have to take before we can get it right? Be smart, learn to appreciate, integrity, virtue, LOVE for god sake! Especially for these next generations coming up. Because I feel were heading down a unnecssary path.


No, you don't sound crazy. Thank God there are some of us still left. We are the ones who have too keep doing the right thing, so we pass it on to our children and our children pass it on to their children. Its the only way , at lease there are people like us who love our spouse and children , and married for all the right reasons. That we are not afraid to show love !RELATIONSHIPS: How Do We FIX THEM?
And the same too your family, Take care !

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Fixing a problem is easy.....

First you have to admit you have one.

Next you have to take responsibility for your choices and make amends to those whom your choices have hurt.

Thirdly... you turn away and dont continue in the problem because if you do....

then you will lack integrity and when you lack integrity, the value of what you bring to the table is nothing more than relational welfare (coming up short relationally, my verbage)....

thats the story and i am sticking to it.
Wow, I love what you wrote. You really showed how you feel, and I totally agree with you. The world would be such a better place if people didn't have so many problems in relationships and families. Over 50% of married people get divorced, and that is so sad.
Couples therapy, everyone is in therapy these days...
It really is a sad situation,you dont find many celebrating a 50th anniversary,most not even a 25.I am one of them that wont see those celebrations.From my side I can tell you that once I said ';I do'; everything changed,it then became an ownership program and no longer the ';I love you,I need you,You're my best friend'; thing.3 times this has happened to me so guess what,yes I have decided that I will live the rest of my life without a man,cause the one I got now is on his way out the door as well.To me,men seem to have lost respect for women and I am sure the same goes for women.Maybe someday it will all work out,however I do have the same fears for my own children when they grow up,how do you find someone that is truely committed?
Relationships have totally gone down the shoot along with morallity, self respect, and just loving one another.
Sex. A lot of couples seem to have forgotten the meaning of the word.

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