Friday, August 20, 2010

Hypocrate friend!!!?

ok here it once upon a best friend got mad at me and yelled at me because i had fallen in love with another friend who was dating someone. She said I was supporting infidelity and blah blah blah...we stopped talking after that today i just got to know that she broke up with her bf less than a month ago and now is dating a manager at work who has a gf!!!!

how on earth people have such high double standards and how do you deal with hypocracy??Hypocrate friend!!!?
It is just best to cut your ties with that person.Hypocrate friend!!!?
Did you learn your mistakes after she lectured you? If you did learn you mistake, and if you still care for her, meet her up and confess. Say things like, ';I thought you're the one who taught me ...'; And say that you've learned your lesson and now she needs to learn hers.
tell her how you feel, and what you know :)
Well, you have been in the same situation so you are in a better position to understand why she did it. All of us know what is right and what is wrong. When we see our friends doing something wrong, we tend to advise them and argue with them because we don't want them to get hurt. When we are in the same situation, we just have to hope that we will be stronger than our friend. Situations like that tend to break or make the friendship. Based on your experience you can advise her if you want but don't expect her to follow your advice.

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