Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Parents Are Getting A Divorce, How To Deal?

i am 22 years old. my parents have been married 25 years, and are deciding to divorce, for a number of reasons. although i'm an adult, and should be the first to know that their separation was inevitable, for i've been witness to a countless number of their huge fights, stupid arguments, silent treatments, and also, infidelities (on both their parts), i still find myself having kind of a hard time dealing with the fact that i now can go to either ';my mom's house'; or ';my dad's house,'; not ';my parents' house.'; i feel their marriage, the good parts of it at least, has been a major part of my identity...especially when i was usually one of the only black kids i knew who had parents that were married. even though i knew this was coming, and i see that they both seem happier which makes me happy, i still feel kind of hurt and sad that they have separated. especially after so long. how does a grown child deal with the separation of their parents?My Parents Are Getting A Divorce, How To Deal?
Accept their decision, and treat each one the same way you always treated them. Life happens!My Parents Are Getting A Divorce, How To Deal?
They probably stayed together till you got older .This is one reason if you aren't happy and its not working out you shouldn't just stay because of the kids.
i'm 21 years old. My parents were married 22 years before they divorced. despite that I was an adult, I had the worst time dealing with it. I lived with my dad but every time I went to go see my mom he would yell at me. When I was home he would say horrible things about my mom. I had the hardest time dealing with the fact that my parents are not together and I hated the feeling like a had to choose sides. For me it was easier because my dad was a huge jerk, but I would still cry at night and I still, to this day, wish that we could be a family again. The way I tried to get through it was to just live my own life and know that it wasn't my fault and there was nothing I could do. I had to take care of myself and I had to take care of my brother. I avoid looking at any pictures of us as a family. I just can't take it. It also really helped that I got married and moved away although I really miss my mom. I just had to live my own life. dwelling on the negative and the divorce wasn't doing me any good. I know this is probably not helping you answer your question, but I know what you are going through. THis is by far the hardest thing I ever had to deal with. I hope the fact that you're not alone helps.

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