Monday, August 16, 2010

Help! How do I deal with my ex husband?

History: We are, me 37 / him 34, recently divorced and he has continued to make my life a living hell. We are divorced due to his infidelity, verbal and mental abuse among other things. I was asked by my son in November to take in my granddaughter because he and his girlfriend were not capable of taking care of her. Shortly after she came to live with us, we have gained legal guardianship through the court. Babygirl's father (my son) has not seen her since I picked her up the night he called. Babygirl's mother has seen her 1 time on Jan 2nd for 1 1/2 hrs at my home and only because the dad was in jail on charges that if he is found guilty, he will not be allowed to be near children unsupervised. Besides all that, they do not call to check on her either. One stipulation in the divorce was that he resign as co guardian of her.

Now, here is one of the issues I am having with him. Last night he posted the following on my Babygirl's mothers Facebook page: ';If you and T care anything about Babygirl you need to try and get her back. That woman will do anything to steal her and not take care of her. Just call me if you need anyone to help you.';

This is not the only thing he has done, but this doesnt just effect me, this effects her. The first 11 months of her life while with her parents was horrible. She was neglected in almost every way possible. She has thrived so much since being with us, now me and my other son, and is healthy, happy and very well taken care of. The comment is just another way he is trying to hurt me because I have blocked any contact with him to try to stop the harrassment. Last night after she was sound asleep for a couple hours, my very responsible 16 yr old sat with her while I went out with my friend, who had just had to lay her brother to rest earlier that day, for 3 hours. How he knew I was anywhere, but home, I dont know. We live about 45 minutes apart. He has now began to include my 16 yr old in his harrassing. He called him 4 times between 1:30 and 2:15 AM.

What can I do about this nonsense? I have my home on the market for sale and as soon as I can get it sold, I and the kids are moving halfway across the US, but in the mean time, I need to keep my sanity and protect the kids.

O my! I need advise! I need direction! I am at a complete loss. There are so many more details that I could share, but do not want to write a book. Please help me.Help! How do I deal with my ex husband?
you need to got to court and file a harassment charges against him. and tell the court all that he is doing to you. its too bad that you can't move now and may be rent our your house or go and live with another relative until your house is sold. this don't make sense he is try to ruin your reputation so that he can get that child back, but don't let him do that.Help! How do I deal with my ex husband?
Yea, write down everything start documenting every little detail, I know this is very important. I'm not sure what state you are in but contact your local non-emergency police number and ask about protection order.

And if you ever want to vent and trade stories about horrible me...I'm new at this myself!

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