Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Trying to heal my marriage...?

my husband has had an affair for almost a year... now he says he still loves me, the bastard... i havent made up my mind yet about him... just wanted to know if someone out there has survived infidelity, and how did you cope with it? How do you deal with something like this.... other than ***** them both????Trying to heal my marriage...?
Pray, and ask GOD for help.Trying to heal my marriage...?

you divorce him

there is a saying

fool me once shame on you

fool me twice shame on me
For loving you, he sure has a funny way of showing it. Personally I don't waste time with cheaters and they put no stress in my life.
I know of 2 ladies who forgive their husbands and move on with their married life.

if you can forgive and he is not going to do it again , it is great to stay together. Find out Way he did that to you and make sure he is not going to do it again.

and remember that Marriage may be compared to a plant that requires daily nurture, daily attention, daily care and cultivation. It will not develop of its own accord; only as effort and will are exerted will it grow and mature. For a marriage to succeed, both husband and wife must be committed to its success. They must build an enduring love relationship that is centered in the heart of their consciousness. Their relationship must be nurtured with the water of loyalty and love.

Good Luck and All the best
I was with him for 12 years when I found out he was cheating one of them was my cousin, half-sister, and my bother's ex- girlfriend, he claimed he still love me and wanted to be with me. So, I gave him a 2 nd chance, %26amp; 3rd,

then when a 17 year old girl came to me with his child in her womb. I couldn't forgive him againe so I took our 3 children and left. Now I found out he cheated more than 20 times on me when we were together. I'm so glad I left. Ooh he was 26yrs. when that 17yrs gilr came to me she gave birth to his son.
yes we tryed to survive an affair he had on me while i was pregnant then we renewed our vows and he claimed he got saved so i took him back when our daughter was 4 four years later he did it again i don't know if your husband is sorry or not but i look at it this way now is that if a person is willing to hurt your feelings the first time what will stop them the second time especially if they no you let them get away with my advice would be to leave i did the after the 2nd affair and now i'm remarried and have a wonderful husband that is everything i wanted my first husband to be, plus he is an excellent dad to my daughter and we just had our own baby at christmas trust me your life will be hard after an affair and if you really want to forgive him i think distance will help you forgive better because if you stay with him little things will remind you everyday and everytime you sleep with him it'll go through your mind it doesn't matter how devoted you are he already broke the vow and i think in God's eyes your free God wants you to love others as yourself don't forget the love yourself part!stuck to him you won't allow yourself the chance to be happy with someone els that you can actually respect and admire trust me along with the loss of trust the respect and reverence you had for your husband won't be there naturally anymore. Godbless you and your kids if you have some.
My ex husband was constantly cheating on me...I was the one that was dumb enough to believe in him after the affairs...We were engaged he was in the military...we went to a huge conference for a national volunteer organization...and I caught him twice in one weekend with 2 different girls...once in a damn elevator...the second in a host room...I broke the engagement...he begged and cried...and like a dumb *** I went home with him...determined not to marry him...then 9/11 hit...and he called me from the base begging me to marry him in case of his deployment...I went and I did it...he was begging and swearing that he would never cheat again...I fell for it and married him...needless to say...that was Sept...and by Nov...I had caught him with yet another woman...get out's the hardest thing you will ever have to do...because you want so hard to believe in him...but it will happen again...if you want to chat please let me know...
You have been in that relationship a year too long...
FIRST Be kind to yourself, ask yourself don't you deserve a man whom will remain faithful to you?. Also if you are angry, you need to stop giving up so much of your inner strength to such bitter feelings. The past has taught me one thing once a philandering pigdog always a philandering pigdog.The choice is yours
i haven't had personal experience, but my parents were married for 21 years and my dad went through a mid-life crisis and left us ......then my mom forgave him and took him back after about 2 months of him being gone. i don't really know all the details b/c it my parents and it's none of my business, but they say it was the best thing for them b/c it brought them closer together and they stopped taking each other for granite
don't screw him anymore. you could get AIDS

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