Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My boyfriend got a girl pregnant?

Hello everyone, I am in desperate need of some advice. I have been with my boyfriend for almost two years now. I am 20 and he is 22. I have to say he is my everything, I am deeply in love with him. Our relationship has always been a good one, except for the fact that we live about an hour away from each other and due to our work/school schedules we only see each other about twice a week. Lately we have been talking about getting an apartment together because we jut cannot stand being apart for that long evey week. We have already bought our bedroom set, which he has at his place right now, an have plans to move in together in about 2 -3 months.

However last week he confessed to me that he had cheated on me. He said it was a stupid drunken night ( which is still no excuse ). He seemed genuinly sorry and full of guilt for what he had done. He said it happened with a girl he was friends with before he met me. He said the decision was mine and that he understands if I leave him because he messed up big time. He begged me to think things through and that he loves me deeply and does not want to lose me. He says he has no feelings whatsoever for her and he wants to move forward in our relationship. Problem is the girl just called him up to say she's pregnant.

The girl said was gonna get an abortion because she had no support from anyone. However my boyfriend does not want this to happen. Even though this is not planned that baby is still his and he will support them any way he can. The girl decided to keep the baby.

I of course am destroyed. I feel so hurt an betrayed because I never thought he would do this to me. I know that with time and a lot of work I can get over his infidelity and someday trust him again.

However I don't know if I can deal with the pregnancy issue. It kills me inside to know he will have his first kid with another girl. I think about him going to the doc appointments with her and going through all this experience with someone else and it just breaks my heart.

I don't know if I can stand him seeing her everytime he visits the baby, or even when he brings the baby over it will be a constant reminder for me. Not only that but I have a huge fear of him getting closer to her or even developing feelingS because of the baby.

I am SO hurt and confused. This guy is my life and just the thought of not being with him hurts. But I know if I stay I am setting myself up for a lot of pain.

I told him I would give him another chance and try it. See how I feel. But I'm not sure on my decision yet. I don't want to get him out of my life, especially since we have plans fo our future, but I don't know if I'll be strong enough to go through all this pain and drama. I know I'm young and could start over, but I'm scared of letting the person I love the most go and regret my desicion later.

Help?My boyfriend got a girl pregnant?
The only person that can answer this question is you. Only you know how you yourself will handle this. If you have those doubts your best bet is to just part ways and leave it at that. You are still very young and have plenty of time to find a new love.

If you do trust him, and honestly feel that his indiscretion was a mistake, then you will have to accept him and the new baby, regardless.

If you decide to stay, let him know that the situation is a difficult one, but that you love him and his child, and that you are there for the long haul.

But remember, once you have made your decision, you will have to stick to it. If you keep changing your mind, you will make life hard on him but hell on yourself!My boyfriend got a girl pregnant?
im sorry.........
My sisters boyfriend cheated on her...she took him back, and then she had a baby with him.

She has recently told me that if she would have known how hard it was going to be and how much pain she was going to go through, she never would have taken him back. She really wants things to work because they have a little girl together now, but she has repeatedly told me that if my boyfriend ever cheats on me that I shouldn't take him back because it isn't worth it.

I think that you should move on, especially if you doubt your ability to forgive him for it/ not throw it in his face every time the two of you argue about something (which you will, you will have a constant reminder of his infidelity in the child that the two of them share), etc. It's going to be impossible for you to get over it fully, considering the situation.

I think that it would be much easier on you in the long run to end things, no matter how hard that is going to be, I think that if you stay with him, it's going to be even harder on you.

Good luck to you and I truly hope you do what will make you happy. You deserve to be happy.
Nobody says that you HAVE to make your decision today. You have walk-away power. You have the freedom to put this all behind you at any time.

It hurts now, and it could hurt more later.

Let yourself get past this initial shock and see if you can accept any of it. You said you two were planning to move in together in a couple months. Give yourself those two months to see if you can accept this new reality.

If we have the facts right, the first thing your boyfriend did right was be honest and admit his error. Secondly, he wants to step up to the plate and be supportive of the new baby. He did screw up, but he is mature and man enough to work through the issues.

He might be worth hanging onto, but you will need a little time to adjust to all this new information.

You can always walk away if you find out that you can't cope with this unfortunate turn of events.

Good Luck to all of you!
That would kill me... my ex text me last night, and im pretty sure when we broke off he had sex with a girl quite soon afterwards and the thought that he could get a girl pregnant you know on a night out or whatever kinda frightens me, cuz i still love him and still see a future with us someday. I think maybee you should break away from it now, if you feel like its too much for you - theres bound to be a million other guys out there who will love and treat you with respect with getting drunk and getting some girl pregnant. If you want to make this work with your boyfriend maybe you could even get talking to the pregnant girl, i know that may sound completely insane - but it could put your mind at rest. You may not feel as threatened by her. Get her side of the story - she prob had no idea he was taken and is sadly knocked up.
Sweetie, it's time for a dose of tough love. This is intended to help you see things as they are, rather than as you wish they were.

Unless you live with someone and are with them every minute of the day, you really don't know what they're doing when they are away from you. Whether you believe him or not, the fact is ... he is about to become a daddy.

I don't know whether I buy the line about it being a one time drunken incident. That excuse has been used by men since recorded history.

I can tell you this with no hesitation what so ever: Moving in, without the benefits, protection and rights of marriage, is the biggest mistake any woman makes, but especially someone like you who has just been slapped in the face by reality.

Move in, and you will regret it. Your reasons for moving are not enough to sustain a relationship. When you are married, or very close to it (ring on your hand, dress has been in for the final fitting, presents are piling up ... etc), then you move. Not just because you miss each other and all of that gooey, mushy stuff. That's not enough to sustain a relationship, because if it was enough then your man wouldn't be a dad.

This is why I keep saying that love is never enough. Love is necessary, but it, by itself, is not enough. You need maturity, responsibility, devotion and selflessness in order to be married and make it work. Neither of you are there right now, which is another reason why you shouldn't move in with him.

Sweetie, you know what you have to do. Truth be told, he made that choice the minute he got naked with her. If HE was as ';deeply in love'; as YOU are, no amount of alcohol would have made a difference. He would have stayed fully clothed. You might love him, but it's not the same way that he loves you, or for the same reasons.

End of story.

This is my view.

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