All feedback welcome! I have more chapters also but wanted to see if there is even any appeal. I have more chapters but didn't know how much room I had.
Chapter 1
“Did you read People yet!?” Kayla hollered into the phone before I even had a chance to say hello. It was too early on Saturday to deal with Kayla’s latest update on the eternal tribulations of the self-proclaimed Hollywood royalty.
“What now?” I halfheartedly inquired as I lifted my head off the pillow for the first time that Saturday. I checked my alarm clock. 8:57 AM. Was she crazy or something? With a quick glance across the bedroom at my apricot mane and sleepy brown eyes in the closet mirror it was clear I should lie back down for at least another month if it could remotely be considered beauty sleep.
“I can’t even believe it, Claire… I really can’t! How could he do that to her? Just after their sixth wedding anniversary too! It is just awful. I should really send her flowers or something!”
No matter what had happened to her favorite celeb of the week, Kayla insisted on talking about their escapades as if they happened to one of her dearest friends. This obsession was one of the best things about Kayla. She stays up on all the latest gossip and is a genuine sweetheart. After Ben and Jen Version 1 split up, she actually did sent flowers along with a hand written letter offering her deepest condolences over their tragic situation.
Apparently the drama this week was around the current “it” couple and rumored infidelity upon the movie set of the new Indiana Jones film. It was around some actor I had never seen before, except maybe in a Hanes commercial, getting it on with his makeup assistant.
“You weren’t sleeping were you?”
“No. It’s fine,” I replied suppressing my third yawn of the call.
Now that I did my best friend duty and convinced Kayla that this news had ruined any chances of enjoying the day, I hung up before any other earth shattering headlines caught her eye. Just a few more hours of sleep should do it…
Just as my head hit my cold, cream colored pillow the phone rang again. Crap. Mom.
This time I didn’t bother to say hello because I knew as soon as I answered she would already be mid-conversation.
“… So I told your father that we just cannot afford to get a new car right now. Now that the van’s air conditioning on the fritz, it is getting harder and harder to stop him from running out and picking up the new Chrysler. I mean, all we need to do is drive past a car dealer on the way to the store and he already starts singing.” It has been a joke in our house for years that my dad has a few little tunes he whistles when shopping for a new car. It is the running gag in our family and often sung to roast him during our annual Christmas Eve party.
“That is terrible, Mom… You should really try to avoid driving anywhere near a lot for the next few weeks,” I say as disinterested as possible in hopes she will get the hint and let me go to sleep.
“You sound tired. You weren’t still sleeping were you, dear?”
Guilt trip number two a success, I slipped myself out from under the covers and headed towards the shower.
I decided that since my sleep was unexpectedly interrupted this morning that I could forgo my morning run. I’ve been on this workout kick for weeks with my boyfriend and found myself better and better at coming up with excuses to skip the track and head right for the shower. Take yesterday. How can I be expected to go and put in a solid workout after my alarm wakes me up with “Super Troopers” by Abba? That song just ruins the whole day I tell you.
As I glance at my reflection in the rear view mirror I am pleased to see that the shower worked wonders and I could almost pass for human. Today I took the time to straighten my hair and it seems to be behaving itself, with the August humidity not yet reeking havoc on my selectively curly hair.
The most important thing to do today is hit up the grocery store. I am planning a quiet dinner at home this evening with my boyfriend Harris. We have officially been together for ten months and tonight I am going to show him that all the nights we have spent watching Iron Chef America and Hell’s Kitchen have been worth it.
Harris Mosley is the type of guy you always dream you will end up with. He is funny, charming, great with kids, and motivated to a level only rivaled by Donald Trump. Harris is about six feet tall, wonderfully fit, has a head of curly black hair, and blue eyes to die for. Think Daniel Craig in Casino Royale. Harris is currently finishing up his last year of Law School at DePaul University in downtown Chicago and has been clerking during the summers with a firm for the last two years. Harris is hoping that one day soon he can make partner and his firm will be retitled Joyce, Kessler, Reynolds, %26amp; Mosley.
The firm is not the only thing I’ve been hoping will get a name change sometime soon. Claire Mosley has a nice ring to it if you ask me. MIs this start of a chic lit book any good? Does it make you want to keep reading?
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